Cranberry Coast Scenic Byway

Winding along the Pacific shoreline from the fishing village of Westport to South Bend, this byway epitomizes life by the ocean. Named in honor of the tiny red berry, which once grew wild in the region, you’ll discover a year-round calendar of cranberry-celebration along the Cranberry Coast Scenic Byway.

Key points of interest:

  • Cranberry Museum – Visit the Cranberry Museum and learn both the history of this garnet-colored berry as well as key phases of the industry from bog preparation and planting to marketing cranberry products.
  • Grayland – Grayland is one of Washington’s beach vacation towns, with local activities including surfing, camping, clamming, crabbing, fishing, flying kites, and dog friendly beaches. The Grayland Beach State Park offers, sandy beaches, grassy dunes, campsites, RV spots, rentable yurts and stylish tent sites.